Monday, April 11, 2011

4-H in the News

Results of a Tufts University Study (The 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development) released today indicate that 4-H members when compared to other youth are: 1. More likely to spend time being phsically active; 2. Two times less likely to engage in drug use; 3. Two times less likely to use ciggarettes or alcohol. Warrick County was a site for the "The 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development". For more information on the findings of this study go to and click on "about 4-H". Source: National 4-H Council

Friday, April 8, 2011

Welcome Amanda Bailey

We would like to welcome Amanda Bailey to our Purdue Extension staff. Amanda started this week as our new Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator after transferring from Vermillion County, Indiana.

She has already been busy with Warrick County Ag. Days and several horticultural questions and looks forward to her time with us in Warrick County.