Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Women's Health Week

Sometimes, it just doesn't seem like there are enough hours in the day. Whether you're shuttling kids to school, play groups and other after-school activities or juggling a full-time job with mom duties and trying to get dinner on the table, we know you barely have a free minute to brush your teeth, let alone worry about scheduling your regular doctor's appointments and managing your own health.

This National Women’s Health Week we're challenging you to take a pledge to make your health a priority.

Take one minute today to do each of these five things:

1. Schedule your mammogram.

2. Call your doctor if you're having problems sleeping.

3. Put on sunscreen  to prevent skin cancer.

4. Talk to someone about your feelings of depression or anxiety.
5. Order free health information so you can make your health a priority all year long at

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