Tuesday, June 29, 2010

4-H Poster Ideas

The Warrick County 4-H Fair is less than 2 weeks away. This time of year brings lots of fun and last minute preparation for 4-H Exhibits. As you work on posters, here are some things to think about.

  • Know your 4-H project requirements that are found in the Warrick County 4-H Handbook.

  • Look at resource books and websites related to the subject. When using websites make sure the information is from a reliable source.

  • Brainstorm

  • Get ideas from others

  • When visiting other fairs, look at the exhibits but DO NOT COPY.

  • Always cite your sources. For posters, you can list your sources on the back of the poster.

Sources for this blog entry: Steve McKinley, Extension Specialist and Amy Nierman, Extension Educator

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